Madley Environmental Study Centre (MESC)

wildlife fun workshops for everyone in amazing surroundings

Summer Family Fun starts as MESC

Join us for a fantastic morning, afternoon or even the whole day in our amazing woods. We've some great activities lined up this summer for the kids (and you!) to enjoy so why not come along - you'll have a lot of fun.

Campfire Cooking - Den Building - Mini Beast Safari - Wild Art - All that Grows - Woodland Obstacle Course - Watery Wonders - Magic in the Woods - Woodland Pirates - Wacky Water Games

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Schools & Groups

We offer curriculum based activities for children of all ages, from pre-school to KS4, along with Forest School based activities, including den building for those ‘off curriculum’ fundays.

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Nature Workshops

Our workshops for older children and adults run throughout the year and suit most interests, including willow weaving, photography, fungi and astronomy. 

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Events & Family Days

Family days take place in the school holidays for ages 3-12 years. From campfire cooking to woodland pirates, pond dipping to wild art, there's something to suit all.  Larger seasonal events such as Halloween and Christmas also take place each year. 

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Birthday Parties

Activities take place on our Nature Reserve and include a wide range of options depending on the age and interests of the group, including treasure hunts, den building, mud modelling and blindfold games.

Herefordshire's Hidden Gem

Our nature reserve includes wetlands, woodlands and meadows to enjoy and explore. And with our large log cabin, open barn and wooden shelters, even if it rains the weather won't dampen your day.

Where Nature meets Technology

Covering almost 15 acres of natural habitat we have a unique backdrop of the 32m diameter dishes of the BT Madley Satellite Earth Station. It really is the place where 'Nature meets Technology'